Explicit Interface Implementation

This C# Interview Question was asked my a member of this blog. Please refer to the example code below.

How to implement the void Method() of the interface in the following case ?

class B
   public void Method()
       // some code here

Youtube video on Explicit Interface Implementation


   void Method();

class D : B, I
   // how to implement the void Method() of the interface
   // public void I.Method() { ... }

To implement void Method, we use explicit interface implementation technique as shown below.

using System;
namespace SampleConsole
class Program
   static void Main()
      //To Call Class B Method
      D d = new D();

      //To Call the Interface Method
      I i = new D();

      //Another way to call Interface method
class B

   public void Method()
      Console.WriteLine("Void Method - B");
interface I
   void Method();
class D : B, I
   void I.Method()
      Console.WriteLine("Void Method - I");


  1. hi here am using 2 methods add(int x, int y) and add(double a,double b). So here am passing add(2,5) wchich method will firw and whts the reson. Give reply to my mail sandeepkumarvemula@gmail.com

    1. add(double a,double b)
      by default all the integer numbers are treated as double.

    2. @Umesh No you are wrong, here add(int x, int y) is going to fire. If the parameters values increases beyond int range then add(double a,double b) fire.

    3. If you call add(2,5) -> add(int x, int y) will fire.
      For add(2.5,5) or add(2,5.5) or add(2.5,5.5) -> add(double a,double b) will fire.

    4. In your case, add(int x, int y) will be fired.

      As anonymous said, I confirm it.
      If you call add(2,5) -> add(int x, int y) will fire.
      For add(2.5,5) or add(2,5.5) or add(2.5,5.5) add( -> add(double a,double b) will fire.

      OR if your number range exceeds the range of the integer number, double will be fired. For example, add(12345678912, 5);

      Code to test this out:
      class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
      Program p = new Program();

      p.add(10, 20);
      p.add(10.5, 20.5);
      p.add(12345678912, 5);


      public void add(int a, int b)
      Console.WriteLine("Integer is fired!");

      public void add(double a, double b)
      Console.WriteLine("Double is fired!");

  2. what is difference between

    (==) and .equals in c#

    1. == compares reference of objects in comparison and .Equal compares values of the objects in comparison


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